A new television comedy aptly titled “Melissa & Joey,” starring former child stars Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence, received a 10-episode order from ABC Family. It will premiere in 2010. Hart originally gained fame starring in “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” from 1996 to 2003. More recently she’s better known as a photo staple “Hollywood Mom” in tabloids like People Magazine and Celebrity Baby Blog. Joey Lawrence stole America’s heart on “Brotherly Love” and “Half & Half,” before graduating to teen heart throb on “Blossom.”
Hart and Lawrence co-starred in the 2009 ABC Family movie “My Fake FiancĂ©,” (pictured) and network President Paul Lee said the new series was developed with them in mind. Both actors serve as executive producers on the project.
Hart will portray the grown-up former wild child of a political family who is now a local politician forced to care for her teenage niece and pre-adolescent nephew after her sister is jailed, while Lawrence portrays the family’s nanny. Good news for hopeful child actors this pilot season – children will soon be cast in the roles of Hart’s niece and nephew.