paloma models and talent

10 06, 2019


By |2019-07-23T07:06:43-07:00June 10th, 2019|Categories: Casting News, CHILD ACTORS|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on CHILD ACTOR LOSES ROLE ON NETWORK SOAP OPERA

Child Actor Loses Role on Network Soap Opera This is the news no actor, young or old, wants to hear. According to several news outlets and his own social media accounts, child actor TK Weaver lost the role of DANNY MORGAN on the ABC soap opera General Hospital. TK Weaver shared publicly that General Hospital

20 06, 2016

Hollywood Moms of Multiples – PALOMA PMT Seeks Talent Submissions!

By |2019-01-22T18:51:35-08:00June 20th, 2016|Categories: Auditions, Casting Calls, Open Calls, THE BUZZ|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Hollywood Moms of Multiples – PALOMA PMT Seeks Talent Submissions!

PALOMA PMT Seeks Talent Submissions! Hollywood Moms of Multiples - Identical Twins & Triplets- this Casting Call is for YOU! Paloma Model and Talent (PMT) is actively seeking immediate submissions of identical multiples of all ages and newborn babies weighing under 9 pounds. Paloma Model and Talent (PMT) is family-owned and operated by dedicated sisters Paloma Jackson and Alysa

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