Best Kids Headshots Photographers

Our list of the BEST CHILD ACTOR HEADSHOTS PHOTOGRAPHERS in California, Georgia, New York, Boston, Florida, Texas and more!

Hollywood Mom Blog is actively cultivating a list of quality children’s head shot and teen head shot photographers for metro areas Los Angeles, San Francisco, NYC, Atlanta, Detroit, DC, Chicago, Orlando, Miami, Hawaii, Vancouver/Seattle and Dallas.

Please contact HollywoodMomBlog (at) with any additions to these lists including full company name and website address and your full name and contact info. Must specialize in KIDS head shot photography not adult, family, portraits, etc.. Not all suggestions will be posted.



Joanna Degeneres

Michael Roud

Doreen Stone Photography

Gretchen Easton

Madison Ave Photography

Kelsey Edwards

Robin Lorraine

Michael Dambrosia

Lesley Bryce Photography

Mindy Tanimoto

Dana Patrick

Tamara Tihanyi Photo

Cathryn Farnsworth Headshots

Suzette Troop Stapp

Michael Calas Studio   

Carla Rhea

Faces by gp

Lil Toes Photography

Steven Wetherbee Photography

Parents – please ascertain that your CA photographer has a current CPS Permit.

You can check here.


Michelle Nicole Photography

Megan Dougherty

Tracy Bosworth

Mike Colletta Images

Michael Dambrosia

EyeKool Photography

Tony Westerfield Photography

Dwayne Boyd

Aiva Photography


NOTE: Not all photographers or reproduction facilities suggested will be added and just because one has been added does not imply endorsement from HMB.  HMB will attempt to verify each submission; however, PARENTS must ultimately exercise their due diligence when obtaining any professional service.