After months of waiting for my nine year old actor to book that “perfect” job that would qualify her to join the Screen Actors Guild, she finally lands “the job” and gets her required work days. Not just the minimum three days but a whole SAG-tastic week. She’s ecstatic, I’m thrilled, the hubby’s like “whatever you want to do,” so why haven’t I sent the paperwork in? What’s the hold up?
I honestly can not motivate myself to fill out the minimal forms to make the kidlet SAG eligible. Is it because of the guild initiation fee of approximately $2500 dollars? Maybe. The looming threat of SAG Striking? Yeah, that’s a possibility. Or could it be something bigger? Like entering the point of no return?
Once she’s a member I’ll no longer be able to fall back on my internalized mental mantra “If only she were SAG, then…” and all of the things I’ve made that mean. For instance, if she were SAG, then:
- She’d land that great theatrical agent at “fill in the blank” Agency
- She’d be called on auditions for “fill in the blank” Studio and all their big films
- She’d get every role she ever auditioned for because she’s so brilliant and I’m not at all delusional…
See? It’s a reality check. Taking it to the next level doesn’t mean it’s going to get easier or that she won’t face disappointment. It almost assuredly guarantees the opposite. But it’s not my dream, it’s hers and as her mother I’ve committed to helping her achieve all her goals, even the most elusive ones. That said, I guess it’s time to fill out some paperwork.