I originally posted this last year but decided to repost because the issue of “what to wear” has come up for friends new to professional auditioning. We’ll be doing a video guide how-to on this soon as well.
It’s time for another audition and I find myself staring into the abyss of my daughter’s closet. I quickly review the “Don’t” checklist. No logos. Check. No solid white. Check. No baby blue. Check. No busy patterns. Check. No loud prints. Check. No outfits that age her up. Check. No outfits that age her down. Check.
That brief inventory rules out about 85% of her closet. So now what? It’s the question every momager asks, “What should my kid wear to today’s audition?”
While every audition is different and will call for a specific look, in general if it’s a commercial call asking for your child to look their best and look their age, follow these tips as a loose rule of thumb:
- Choose garments in colors that flatter your child’s skin tone, hair color and eye color.
- Purchase pieces that work well together in a “mix-and-match” fashion.
- Keep costs to a minimum by choosing garments on sale or at reasonably priced boutiques.
- Use accessories that add personality without overwhelming the outfit or detracting from your child. The same outfit can take on different nuances with different accessories and shoes.
- Avoid busy patterns like plaid and stripes. Some of these designs are unflattering to the figure and can even appear to strobe on-camera .
- Make sure shoes are well-fitting and clean. Shoes that are worn or ill-fitting can distract and dampen your child’s spirit both in an audition and in life.
- Keep jewelry to a bare minimum (small studs for pierced ears) or none at all.
- Don’t neglect “hair-ware” like headbands, barrettes, clips, ponytail holders and twisties, which all add flavor to a look and more importantly, help your child’s face to be seen.
Being fresh-faced, with clean/brushed hair (and no cosmetics) helps any outfit look pulled together.
So where can you purchase these miracle audition ensembles, you might ask? HMB will be posting a number of resources, for all ages and both genders, over the coming weeks. First up, a profile on trendy rock fashions from the ever-current, CutieandPatootie.com.
Great advice!
Great tips to follow also for grown-ups doing on-camera appearances for business.
Thanks for the help. I am curious about not wearing baby blue. My daughter is a fair skinned redhead with blue eyes. I was going to have her wear a baby blue’/aqua shirt for her first audition. Now I have second thoughts and it is difficult to find good colors for her. Suggestions?
My daughter is going to Disney open call what should she wear ?
My daughter is doing a runway call tomorrow for a fashion show-as well as a commercial audition. She has long brown hair, brown eyes and long black lashes. What would be good outfit for her to wear? This is her first time.
Thanks for any comments!
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