Original Film and Cinemagic Productions are currently in pre-production on the feature film “Dance of the Mirlitons,” and are seeking a slightly overweight or physically awkward 1o-12 year old girl to play Kristen Bell’s daughter. Original Film has produced the films “Fast and Furious,” “The Bounty Hunter,” “I Am Legend,” “xXx: State of the Union,” “Made of Honor” and many more.
The casting directors in both Los Angeles and New York are conducting a talent search for a 10 – 12 year old Caucasian girl to star in the film playing Kristen Bell’s daughter. Bell plays single mother Corinne who has moved her working-class family to the idyllic town of Battleboro so that her 13 year old daughter Jesse can attend the world-famous Battleboro School For Young Dancers. But when chubby Jesse discovers she’s been placed in the special ed program she embarks on a take-no-prisoners mission to land the lead in the school production of Sleeping Beauty. Shooting on ‘Dance of the Mirlitons’ begins in November, 2010.
I am so gonna be in that movie!!!!!!
I would be so so perfect i hope i do get in i can toatally make that role !!!!!! gosh i am excited to see who gets the role
please hon! I’m gonna get the role!
Iv’e always wanted to be a part of a movie I used to be shy but no im out going i would LOVE to be a part of this wonferful movie oh yeah by the way im only 10 im not turning 11 soon so i guess i told my whole story thanks for taking time to read my comment BYEZ
I take it back im skinny and a light skined african american who was born in america.
Im Onaiya and im 12 years old i can sing,dance,and act im slim I live in TN,and i hope i get this role!!
my name is jessica i know how to dance and act i have taken a lot of dance class’s and acting class .
i would love to try out for this role. and if you need anything please email me. thank you for your time.
im 12 years old by the way.
I’m Samantha Loose. I am 12 years old and I am Asian. I have a little knowledge about ballet but not bery much. I am a very fast learner. I have no acting experience, but I love being on stage, and I an hoping to become more experienced.
Hey , My name is Jada i live in raleigh . Nc i’ve always wanted to act since i was 4 years old . To get this role would be a dream come true ! I also sing , im a good at re-acting people and doing voices ! Hope thats good enough for you guys 🙂
Im so perfect for this because i love dance im not so pettie either
Hi.Im 12 years going to be 13 on October 15.I can sing,dance,and act.I hope you pick me!And im from TN.
Please please pick me for this role. I am perfect and I know a lot of ballet and I aam a little fat. I think I would be perfect for this role so please please please pick me. I am just what you are looking for. If you need to contact me through my email, ” jillybubbles@verizon.net
Oh and by the way I am Kenna jeffries
Hi, I’m a Caucasian 12 year old girl and absolutely love singing and acting. I’m not overweight, but am not a stick either, I hope you consider me for this part, but I understand, especially given that I’m not overweight. Thank you so much for considering me!
Yeah maybe I’m 3-4 pounds more than I should be but I can stick my stomach out really far if I need to……. anyway I’ve been doing musical theater for 4 years and a performing arts academy so you can say I’ve had some experience……
By the way I’m 11
I also took ballet when I was little
Hi! My name is Gigi and I am 13 years old with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I have basic ballet training and danced with School of American Ballet from when I was 7 to when I was 10. I am *slightly* socially awkward and don’t always (pretty much never) say the right thing. I am also very good at embarrassing myself by saying/doing the wrong thing in an attempt to fit in. I am also slightly bookish and enjoy reading. Please respond to this comment if you think I would be a good fit for the role!
Hi, my name is Stephanie I love to dance ,l sing a little,and l am ten years old. So that for know . THANK You
Hi I’m Kayla I’m half Cherokee Indian half African American I’m smart funny silly kind genius talented and I have a great personality. Things I like to is singing,dancing,and listening to Nicki minaj she my favorite rapper. I think I’ll be great for this role because when I start something I give it my all and I never fail I love tv show because it really inspires my because there doing things that they love and I love. I’ve been trying to get a audience for a movie of tv show the past 3 years its very hard when u live in Cleveland. I want this role because my mom has cancer and she has five kids my dad died in the army so she is doing all by her self and I want to help her so please give me this role THANK YOU.