UPDATE: We have a winner! Lilli Bauer is the proud owner of a styling pair of Okabashi Shoes! Lilli please contact us with your mailing address – thank you!
Hollywood Moms are always on the go helping the other members of our family whether it’s getting them to school, off to work, soccer practice, music lessons, auditions, cleaning up after them or getting them fed – the list is endless. But remember if you don’t take care of yourself first, you can’t take care of any of them later and taking care of yourself includes keeping those new years resolutions about getting fit. I’m going to talk a lot about “getting fit” this year so as we head off to the gym, let’s do a quick inventory of our fitness supplies.
Gym bag checklist: Sneakers- √ Towel- √ Water bottle- √ Ipod- √ Deodorant – double √ Flip Flops – Got my Okabashis!
Whether you are using them for a post workout shower or for a last minute hot yoga class, the Okabashi is the perfect, lightweight addition to your gym packing list. With so many hidden germs at the gym, protect your feet with these unbeatable shoes that retail for less than $20. I use them as slippers around the house, for driving, gardening, at the beach and more. You will fall in love with these shoes.
Okabashi features:
• 100% recyclable and contains 30% recycled material (Good for the Planet!)
• Supportive with a massaging insole that helps relieve foot and back pain. (Good foot relief post workout!)
• Guaranteed for 2 years (Good for your pocket book!)
• Made in the USA -Buford, GA to be exact! (Good for the U.S.A.!)
• Dishwasher-safe and machine washable (Good for clean shoes!)
• Antimicrobial agents and odor resistant (Good to prevent bacteria!)
• Anti-slip (Good for locker room showers!)
• Completely water-proof (Good for longevity!)
• The ONLY shoe endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association (Good to be Good!)
Thanks to the very generous folks at Okabashi, one of our Hollywood Mom Blog readers will be winning a pair of these fitness-forward flip flops! Just leave your name in the the comment section below with some of your fitness resolutions for 2012!
For more information, visit their website at www.okabashi.com Follow Okabashi on Twitter!

Good news: Okabashi’s latest line of footwear is dishwasher-safe, which at high temperature kills all bacteria & germs. The Okabashi sandal won't shrink or lose its vibrant color no matter how often it is placed in a dishwasher. In addition, this vegan friendly line is 100% recyclable and is made in the U.S.A. thereby minimizing its carbon footprint.
With 4 boys, a business and a child actor, I have had no time for myself and have really let myself go. It,s so hard to get motivated when you fall into bed at the end of the day exhausted.
With this new year, I really want to try and corner a few minutes of the day for myself . My goal is to start walkingp each evening and deffinrtly start eating healthier.
I am they kind of person who wants to help others….I just need to learn how to help myself. I am sure if I start doing that, I will also be able to help others better.
This would be wonderful I am always trying to find time to get the the gym and get away from it all. My resolution is to stick things out and not quit! Mindy Tanimoto
I just started taking Yoga, so I would love to have a pair for class!
After hip replacements, knee surgery, and a broken foot, my fitness resolution is just to do anything sporty at all. These would be a wonderful incentive.
Being pre-diabetic, it’s important for me to step up my activity this year. I am planning on a lot more walking and I also would love to take up swimming! I think these shoes would be great for both this summer.
I also have an ambitious plan of putting in a french drain in garden. These would be wonderful for that as well!
I want to lower my resting heart rate. Oddly, the way to do this is to exercise a lot, getting my heart rate up!
In addition to eating healthier (again) I am walking more, sitting less and trying to keep up with my eight year old!!