LifeStream Productions is currently casting Take Us Home, (SAG Low Budget Film Agreement) a dramatic science fiction short about a young, cloned boy, who (having no knowledge of his previous life) must come to terms with his own existence, as he struggles to understand the human condition. Akhil Srivastava is directing. Rehearsals begin July 9, 2011 and shooting starts July 24 in L.A.
Jason Wilmut, 9 years old, happy, mischievous, energetic, sad, depressed, always curious, LEAD
Ella: 7 years old, curious, happy, playful, Supporting.
Michael: 11, mean, bully, Supporting.
John: 10, friendly, happy, curious, Supporting.
Auditions will be held by appt. only June 20 through 25 at 3801 Barham Blvd., Los Angeles, CA
To schedule an audition email pix & résumés to
There is no pay, but copy, credit, and meals provided. SAG Low Budget Film Agreement.