Due to popular request, I am reposting this 11/9/2010 post on child actor Maggie Elizabeth Jones.
According to IMDB, Georgia Native Maggie Elizabeth Jones is the latest child actor to be cast in “We Bought a Zoo.” As HMB reported, Colin Ford was cast as Dylan Mee a few weeks ago.
While it’s unknown whether Maggie was cast through the open call process announced in an earlier post, it seems highly unlikely as both she and her older sister Mary-Charles Jones have a list of professional credits that far outnumber their years.
Maggie and Mary-Charles are currently cast as sisters Amy and Sara Warniker in the remake of “Footloose.“ According to their mother Angela: “Maggie and Mary-Charles are very excited about Footloose. They get to play sisters in the film and are cousins of the lead actor. Not only do they get to act they get to sing and dance too. Fun Fun!!”
Mary-Charles also has a recurring role as the young Miley Stewart on the hit Disney show Hannah Montana. She’s featured in two episodes (“Hannah Montana to the Principal’s Office” & “Sweet Home Hannah Montana”).
The girls, who come from a devoutly Christian family in Georgia, are both represented by Cindy Osbrink and J Pervis Talent Agency in Atlanta, GA.
Below is a Public Service Announcement Maggie did for Anger Prevention and Awareness.
Thanks to HMB Reader Sherry for the heads up on the casting. Confirming Sources: IMDB Pro, AMTC (Actors, Models and Talent for Christ)
I’m curious what the deal is with infants and children under 1 year old.
When i think of a child actor, i think of somebody who is at least old enough to talk, walk and generally understand what is going on….whether it’s their choice or the parents are driving them is a case-by-case basis i would presume.
But what about when you see babies, newborns, infants, toddlers, etc in the movies. Obviously they are not pursuing an acting career at this stage, so what is the deal….?
Hey Tracy it’s me AnnaBananaIsMe from Twitter. I have one question, I actually tried out for Lily through the open video casting call & do you know when we will get any news if we have gotten the role?
Hey Anna,
Just posting the information as I get it. As soon as I hear something, I’ll post =)
You’re welcome for the heads up. Thanks for confirming and providing the additional information about Maggie & her family. Can’t wait to see this film! My daughter auditioned for Lily via the open casting. She’s almost 14 but looks about 17, which is probably a deterrent for this film, unfortunately.
Now it’s announced by Deadline Hollywood that Elle Fanning is in negotiations to play Lily. She has not been added to the cast on imdb yet, so is probably still negotiating. If this is the case, I’m baffled as to why they bothered with open casting.
Yes Elle Fanning is playing Lily. (IMDB)
your an amazing actor and you look like my babe sister like so muck alike
my baby sister *
Muaahh!! She is so adorable ….Lovely Doll 🙂
Hey Montana… Just curious , how can I see a picture of your little sis? I ask only because I think she looks sooooo much like my youngest daughter also 🙂 thanks!
Maggie is so cute. She reminds me of my granddaughter. I hope to see her in many more films.
Could play Carla Gugino daughters! so adorable